Nuclear decontamination considerations & proven advantages
Introduction Decontamination is a major activity that may be used to accomplish several goals, such as reducing occupational exposures, limiting potential releases and uptakes of radioactive materials, salvage equipment and materials or facilitate waste management. It is defined as the radioactive contamination transfer from a support to a material that can
DEM 2021, the international conference on nuclear decommissioning
Don’t miss out on DEM 2021, the next international nuclear decommissioning event by registering here ! Any country with nuclear facilities must face at some point the decommissioning and dismantling – D&D – of their installations. Decommissioning nuclear sites comes with its share of challenges which can be technical, political or commercia
Quadrupedal robotics for the nuclear industry
Today, let’s talk about quadrupedal robotics for the nuclear industry. Nowadays, quadrupedal robots are considered for an extensive area of applications in various fields like space exploration, military application, industrial use, and many more. Could there be a place for them in the nuclear industry today? Amongst all the mobile robots, quadrupedal
Our thoughts on the latest NDA RD&I report
The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) is the UK governmental body with the mission to clean-up the 17 nuclear legacy sites across England, Wales, and Scotland safely, securely and cost-effectively. The most notable sites are the former MAGNOX generating stations, Sellafield and Dounreay. Today, we are going to discuss about the NDA RD&I repor