Safe & quick radiation mapping at height
Is this your challenge ? Caracterisation is essential before any operation in a nuclear environment. Mapping activity levels are an essential input for many models: project planning, waste management, costs, dosimetry. For strategic decision but also, and most importantly, for safety reasons. Who would like to send their coworkers in a cell without knowing t
Wireless transmission technology for extreme environments
Is this your challenge ? A common challenge across industrial sites.How to wirelessly transmit near real-time data from existing detector with as little modification as possible to the current infrastructure?A key business operation (and a requirement) within nuclear site is to ensure the availability of trustworthy and representative data.Rarely automated
Wireless transmission technology for extreme environments
This is a teaser from a real technology we would feature in our newsletter. It gives you a sense of what we offer and the kind of information provided. Wireless transmission technology for extreme environments Isymap (Instrumentation SYstems for MAPping), a company located near the Marcoule nuclear site in France, has been developing technological bricks [&h